Kubb World Championship 2024!
Results 6vs6 2024:
1st StrandedGoose
2nd Hablingbo
3rd No Ragrets
4th Håiet Putta Bra
You can find all results under the tab: Competition info 6vs6 – Result lists – 2024
Results 1vs1 2024:
1st Theo Sturve
2nd Josef Björklund
3rd Oscar Eriksson
4th Urban Helander
You can find all results under the tab: Competition info 1vs1 – Results
The Kubb VM 2025 will be played 31/7 to 2/8.
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Thank you!!
Updated supplementary rules 2024
We have from 2024 updated, clarified and add som new rules. You will find the changes in red marked text under About the Kubb World Championship – Rules in WC – Supplementary rules.
The reason for these rule updates is to speed up the game, clarify some unclear rules and contribute to a more standardized rule booklet in the world.
Kubb World Championship 2023 is history
We would like to thank you all that made the World Championship to an amazing experience. Together we make the tournament what it deserves to be!
Results in 1vs1 2023:
1st place: Joakim Ekelöf
2nd place: Viktor Greveback
3rd place: Malte Rieem Lindgren
4th place: Andreas Pieper
Here you can find all results from 1vs1: Competition info 1vs1 – Results
Results in 6vs6 2023:
1st place: Stranded Goose
2nd place: Hellacopters
3rd place: Blue/Orange
4th place: No Ragrets
Here you can find all results from 6vs6: Competition info 6vs6 – Results – 2023
Now we are looking forward to 2024 and Kubb World Championship 1-3 of August.
Kubb is a very old game. “Throwing logs” is quite popular in Sweden now, particularly on the island Gotland. Kubb is a “partygame” which is played outdoors with 2-12 participants. Everyone can participate, young as old.
The game is played on a field which is 5×8 meters, the size can be less or more depending on the skills of the players. The field should be fairly smooth and flat, usually we play on grass but gravel, sand or snow could also do.
The game pieces are made of pine and one set consists of the following parts:
- 1 KING approx. 9×9 cm square and 30 cm´s height.
- 10 KUBBS approx. 7×7 cm square and 15 cm´s height.
- 6 THROWING BATONS, round 44 mm in diameter and 30 cm´s in length.
- 4 CORNER STICKS and 2 MIDDLE STICKS 2x2x30 cm are also useful to have.
The players are divided in two teams and take place behind their respectably baseline. The game’s aime is to knock down the kubbs of the other team with the throwing batons according to the rules. When all the kubbs are knocked down, the king should be knocked down, the team which does this has won.
Since 1995 “VM i Kubb” (“World championship of Kubb”) is arranged on Rone IP (Gotland), 2004 there was 168 teams (of 6 members) in the competition from 8 different nations, playing mixed men, women and children.
1: King, 2: Kubbs, 3: Throwing batons, 4: Corner stick, 5: Baseline